Monday, April 9, 2012

SW:TOR Bugs - Stuck Issues

If a character got stuck, there are options a player can use to unstuck his/her character. These options are available for all, so players can immediately return to what they are doing.

1. Type /stuck
   ~ This allows you to move your character to a different spot in the same location, but no more than 20 meters (well, based on what I observed).

2. Quicktravel Ability
     ~ This allows you to move your character to any unlocked bind points available on your current planet. You can find this in your Abilities window, press P>General tab>Quicktravel.

3. Emergency Fleet Pass
     ~ The Emergency Fleet Pass allows you to move your character to your faction's fleet. This is the last option you have in case the first two didn't work.You will get this ability upon reaching level 10, and have completed your class mission in your starting planet. You can find this in your Abilities window, press P>General tab>Emergency Fleet Pass.